Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pet Peeve: The 'N' Word Debate

While watching The View ( yes, i know, it's a downgrade. whatever), Elizabeth was brought to tears. She wanted to know why she couldn't say the word. Besides the fact that I don't agree with her views, she seems to live in La La Land. She has such a utopian way of seeing things that I actually feel sad for her. She mentioned how we, as Americans or even as Human Beings, live in one world. What the hell has she been smoking? Um, no sweetie. We don't. If that was true, racial inequality would be obsolete because everyone would be equal. Seeing as though this is not the case, I must disagree with her stance in this debate.

I say the 'n' word. Not everyday in every conversation in every setting. But I do say it. And frankly, I can cuz I'm black. I don't give shit what you think. I'm gonna say as long as it applies. I don't call a random black people i know niggas unless they do "niggery" things. Like that dude stealing a flat screen tv during Hurricane Katrina, knowing damn well you ain't got nowhere to plug it up. Now that was a nigga. Sorry.

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